When you are ready to get started, just call us at (808) 841-2929. If we’re not in the office or unable to pick up the phone, please leave a message and someone will get back to you by the end of the next business day (we are closed on Sundays).

With our expanded hours, we can now schedule new patients right away. Sometimes, even on the same day! However, even with a greater patient capacity we still cannot accept walk-ins. In order to run our office as smoothly as possible, we need to have everyone scheduled. Please call to make an appointment.

Your first visit will take about 45 minutes. Before arriving to your first visit, please complete your intake form, You may access the form to complete by scrolling down to the bottom of this page and clicking the intake tab. This will take you to a separate web page where you may input your information. Your information will be collected quickly, easily, and securely over the internet. Completion of the form before your first visit will save both of us a lot of time. When you arrive to our office on your first visit after checking in, we will start things off with a 10-20 minute session of some sort of physiotherapy. Sometimes the therapy is something simple like ice or heat. Sometimes we may set you up on a traction unit, or we may perhaps use electric stimulation units or other devices. When the therapy is finished, one of the assistants will give you a short percussion massage to loosen up your back further.

Dr. Parker or Dr. Shiraki will then visit with you for a few minutes to follow up on some of the information which you’ve provided and to also answer any other questions you may have. Following that, the doctor will examine you, and through palpation and observation of your movement and posture, he will determine where the subluxations (misalignments) are located in your spine.

Then after the exam, your doctor will give you your first chiropractic adjustment. The adjustment takes only a few minutes and will be geared and “customized” towards your unique spinal alignment circumstances.

When your adjustment is over we will wrap things up by giving you more information about our office policies and payment options, including information about the Honor Box.

On your second visit, you will receive another chiropractic adjustment. After that, Dr. Parker or Dr. Shiraki will go over with you a detailed report of your spinal misalignment problems and then give you clear, straightforward initial recommendations.

The cost of your first visit is $75. Every other visit is $50. Buying a prepayment plan will earn you free, bonus adjustments. Also, if $50 is unaffordable, you may pay whatever you can for your care to our Honor Box.